You can register your event
or festival via this link.
7. oktober kl. 9.00 – 15.00 hos Aaben Dans, Rabalderstræde 10, Roskilde.
3 dansere af alle køn søges til danseforestillingen: "Vi fortsætter…"
"Vi fortsætter…" bliver en absurd og fysisk forestilling om vores travle væren i verden, mens alting falder sammen omkring os. Der vil være 4 dansere med i forestillingen, hvoraf Ole Birger Hansen er den ene.
Audition vil foregå som en workshop, hvor vi arbejder sammen på gulvet hele dagen...
Prøveforløb: 2. – 20. juni 2025 + 11. august – 12.september 2025.
Spilleperiode: 13. september – 27. september 2025.
Send CV plus links med eksempler på dit arbejde senest: 15. september til og
Du får svar om optagelse til audition: 26. september
"Vi fortsætter…" bliver skabt af blandt andre:
Koreograf Thomas Eisenhardt, Instruktør Kamilla Wargo Brekling, Scenograf Marie Chemnitz, Komponist Mads Emil Nielsen.
Kom og mød Peter Mark Lundberg, Dansk Teater, og Louise Ejgod Hansen, Dramaturgi ved Aarhus Universitet, til en samtale om "Brancheblik" og ønsket om en Scenekunstreform.
Sammen med Peter og Louise sætter Performing Arts Platform fokus på det aktuelle "Brancheblik", som Dansk Teater og Kulturens Analyseinstitut står bag, og på ønsket om en fremtidig Scenekunstreform. På mødet vil der være et særligt fokus på situationen for professionelt producerende teatre og scenekunstkompagnier uden egen scene. Mødet retter sig mod professionelle aktører indenfor scenekunsten, særligt professionelt producerende teatre og scenekunstkompagnier uden egen scene, samt studerende på Dramaturgi ved Aarhus Universitet.
Tid: mandag d. 7. oktober kl. 16.30 til 18.30
Sted: Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G, 8000 Aarhus C
Arrangør: Dialogmødet er skabt i samarbejde mellem Performing Arts Platform, Dansk Teater og Dramaturgi, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur ved Aarhus Universitet.
Deltagelse er gratis, men tilmelding påkrævet -Tilmeld dig her!
SAVE THE DATE 9-12 October 2024 | VICENZA - Italy
Registration will open shortly - the programme will be available in June.
First established in 2012, initially as a biennial event, annual starting from this year, the NID platform reaches its eighth edition in 2024; the event is the result of shared intentions of the dance distribution bodies belonging to ADEP (Associazione Danza Esercizio e Promozione) FEDERVIVO-AGIS grouped into the R.T.O. (Temporary Grouping of Operators) with the Direzione Generale Spettacolo (Directorate in charge of music, dance and theatre) of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Regions of reference.
The City of Vicenza, which is on UNESCO’s World Heritage List with its works by Andrea Palladio, is hosting the eighth edition of the NID Platform from 9th to 12th October 2024. The lead partner and organiser of the 2024 edition, appointed by the R.T.O., is the Municipal Theatre of Vicenza Foundation in collaboration with Arteven – Regional Multidisciplinary Circuit.
Get back to dance is the title of the 2024 edition of the NID Platform and marks a return to dancing as an enhancement of choreutic language, with the key role of the body and harmonious movements at the centre of the artists’ proposals.
This fund can support collaboration projects between one Québec partner and two Nordic partners from two different Nordic countries/regions. Once again, this year, we will be accepting applications from three sectors: Culture, Society, and Research & Innovation.
The key criteria for applications in Culture are:
- To be supported by this fund, the three partners must be fully engaged in a collaboration project (for example, applications involving expertise sharing, co-creations, co-productions, etc.);
- Two separate applications must be submitted, one on the Québec side, one on the Nordic side;
- Each side can request up to $10,000 CAD/50,000 DKK;
- Projects must begin by January 2025 at the earliest, and finish by 28 February 2026 at the latest;
- The deadline for applications is the 11th of November 2024.
Full details relating to the call, as well as selection criteria, can be found here for the Nordic partners or here for the Québec partner.
Regeringen i Québec og Nordisk Ministerråd inviterer til at ansøge om økonomisk støtte til samarbejdsprojekter inden for kultur, samfund samt forskning og innovation mellem Québec og de nordiske lande.
For at indsende et projekt skal Québec-partneren udfylde ansøgningsformularen for økonomisk støtte samt en projektsammendrag inden den 11. november 2024. De nordiske partnere skal udfylde Nordisk Ministerråds ansøgningsskema for projektbeskrivelse og budget og indsende det til Nordisk Ministerråd.
Ansøgningsfrist: 11. oktober kl. 23.59.
More information coming soon!
The IETM Focus Den Bosch 2024 is happening as part of our Creative Europe project The New International in the Performing Arts (NIPA): Bridging local and global.
IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts is one of the oldest and largest international cultural networks in the world, representing the voice of over 500 members based in over 60 countries working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide.
About IETM Global Connect
Global Connect is an IETM programme created with and supported by the IETM Associate Members. The goal of Global Connect is to make our network more inclusive, diverse, eco-responsible and accessible
IETM Global Connect enables performing arts professionals from across the globe to:
Actively contribute towards IETM’s activities and development by bringing fresh perspectives to the dialogues within the network and influence the global performing arts sector on a long term basis;Expand their international network and find new collaborators and partners across all horizons - via online and on-site opportunities;
Allow the opportunity for international visibility of alternative and/or innovative working models, practices and ideas developed in their professional local context and communities;
Develop new skills and knowledge through peer-to-peer learning;
Become inspired in their professional lives, which they can share with their communities.
Who can apply?
IETM Global Connect is open to performing arts professionals worldwide (producers, artists, managers, presenters, etc.) working in an organisation or as freelance/self-employed.
Up to ten Global Connectors will be selected for the 2025 edition of the programme.
From 7 - 10 November 2024 Dansehallerne in collaboration with Andrea Zavala Folache and Adriano Wilfert Jensen and EDN will host the EDN Carte Blanche Artist Exchange: Dancing While Writing While Changing A Diaper: A practical reflection on how artistic practice and childcare could reorganise each other.
This Carte Blanche Artist Exchange is a 4-day collective residency open to 20 national and international artists, choreographers and other dance professionals which aims to encourage collective reflection and action when performing (im)possibilities in the simultaneity of artistic practice and childcare.
Culture Moves Europe is calling for applications from artists and cultural professionals for their third round of mobility funding. Culture Moves Europe is the permanent mobility scheme funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.
The grant is composed of a travel allowance, a daily allowance and individual top-ups and support.
The call for individual mobility has a monthly deadline on the last day of each month. It means that applications are evaluated, and grants awarded every month.
Deadline: 30 November 2024