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13. February
Open Call
Støtte til Performancetolkning
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Apply for funding to give deaf and hard-of-hearing people the opportunity to experience concerts and performing arts performances,

The pool for performance interpretation of concerts, performing arts performances etc. has just been reopened. Actors who produce and/or organise professional concerts and performing arts performances can now apply for fees for professional sign language interpreters specialising in performance interpretation for one-off performances. This will give deaf and hard-of-hearing people a better opportunity to experience these cultural events.

What can you apply for?

You can apply for funding for fees including preparation, organisation and any travel and accommodation expenses for professional sign language interpreters specialising in performance interpreting for one-off performances.

A professional sign language interpreter is defined as an interpreter who has either graduated from one of the current Danish sign language interpreting programmes or has been certified by the relevant authorities in Denmark.

Who can apply?

You can apply if you are an actor who produces and/or organises professional concerts and performing arts performances, including theatres, venues, groups, ensembles, associations, institutions and more.

Background to the scheme

The scheme aims to give deaf and hard-of-hearing children, young people and adults throughout the country the opportunity to experience concerts and performances on equal terms with everyone else.

A maximum of DKK 100,000 can be applied for per applicant.

It is the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces that processes the applications received and decides. 

Application deadline: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and the pool closes when the funds are exhausted.

10. January – 10. February
Nordic Culture Point: Short-term network funding
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Explore new solutions and create networks for co-operation between artists and cultural practitioners in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadlines:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25.08.2025 – 25.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

10. January – 10. February
Nordic Culture Point: Long-term network funding
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Funding for networks that have the potential to evolve into more long-term co-operation in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadline:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2) 

03. February – 03. March
Nordic Culture Point: Culture and Art Programme
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The Culture and Art Programme funds Nordic co-operation in the field of arts and culture. Funding is available for projects with an artistic and/or cultural quality that promotes a diverse and sustainable Nordic Region.

What is eligible for funding?

The programme grants support to projects within all areas of art and culture, in all project phases: preliminary work, production, presentation and dissemination. However, you cannot apply for funding for activities which have already been conducted.

You can apply for support for projects that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture. Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly associated with the project.

Application deadlines:

03.02.2025 – 03.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

11.08.2025 – 11.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

05. February
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

06. February
January mixer at Performing Arts Platform
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Performing Arts Platform January mixer 2025 - with performing arts awards

Registration is open! The January mixer is a festive, collegial celebration where we honour the performing arts, each other and the past year.  It is for everyone who is part of the Aarhus performing arts community.

09. February
HAUT Worksharing: Tearing up as we move through
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Date: February 9th 2025
Time: 14:00-16:00
Place: Black Box,
Thoravej 29,
2400 København NV


From a place of crying, an emotional state that embodies both friction and the potential for release, the group will research the somatic experience of tears. They will delve into the duration, intensity, and intention of this vulnerable state.

Digging into the scattered and the moments in-between each movement, they seek to observe every hiccup and tension that emerges in a crying session. Within this, they are curious to engage wording and voicing. By placing words on paper and outloud, they hope to transform the physicality of crying in a poetic and fictional scape.

Falling into crying is falling into care, in this research the artists want to find ways of holding space for friction to exist and unfold. Creating a nest of references, memories and elements of comfort.

12. February
Open Call
Mittelyoung: 2025 Call for Theatre, Dance, Music and Circus Projects (Italy)
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From 15 to 18 May 2025, nine selected shows will be staged in Cividale del Friuli, Italy, for the fourth edition of Europe’s most under30 festival.

Applications are open to artists and ensembles under 30 in the fields of theatre, music, dance and circus from 27 European countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine.

Associazione Mittelfest will grant to each selected project (stage 1) an economic support (co- production contribution or cachet) up to 4,000 EUR, which will be calculated on the basis of the number of people involved and the type of performance, including all social security and tax charges by law, as well as return travel and accommodation expenses. Each project passing to the second selection will be granted at least the same financial support allocated in stage one.

Deadline: 12 February 2025

17. February
Nordic Culture Fund: Project support for collaborations across the Nordic region
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The purpose of the Nordic Culture Fund's Project Grants is to stimulate the development of art and cultural life in the Nordic Region and to strengthen the Nordic connections of various actors. The Nordic countries are: Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

Twice a year, you can apply for project funding for projects that build on and develop co-operation across the Nordic Region. Projects may also involve partners from other countries.

Application deadlines in 2025:

17 Feb 2025, 23:59

1 Sep 2025, 23:59 pm

19. February
HAUT: CONVERSATION ON: Decentering Dansk
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Shifting the focus away from the dominance of traditional Danish language and culture

Dato: February 19th
Time: 16:00-18:00
Place: Thoravej 29,
2400 Kbh NV

Language is the focal point of this conversation. The titel "Decentering dansk" refers to shifting the focus away from the dominance of traditional Danish language and culture as the central norm, especially in contexts like migration and integration. It involves embracing diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives, questioning the idea of a singular "correct" way to speak or be Danish, and making space for voices and experiences that challenge the traditional narrative.

For this conversation Helena Seiketso Ulrik brings a wealth of experience in language and communication. With her background in teaching English, Danish, Communication, and Philosophy, and her work as an author, Helena offers valuable perspectives on the themes of migration, language and identity. Her academic and practical insights will enrich our exploration of these topics.

20. February
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Date: February 20th 2025
Time: 15:00-17:00
Place: Black Box,
Thoravej 29,
2400 København NV

Amina Szecsödy and Aron Skoog

With this research the artists theatrically questions the `how, why and when` of establishing laws, rights and contracts. What order do these doctrinal cornerstones arise in? For example, if a right implies protection once a violation occurs, it only takes effect after the violation has been codified into law. This highlights one of many confusions within the enlightened ethical consciousness. The artists will research performative ruptures and escape routes within this contractual complexity.

In the process the artists look to cinematic montage as a choreographic theatrical tool, focusing on the concept of the split self (performers as performing mirrors). The characters will embody contradictory roles - informants, deceivers, comrades, and adversaries.

The aim is to prompt an urgent reflection on roles, perception, and authority in theatre and performance right now.

27. February
HAUT Worksharing: To Stemmer, Én Ditlevsen
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Date: February 27th 2025
Time: 15:00-17:00
Place: Studio,
Thoravej 29,
2400 København NV

During their residency, Wanjiku Victoria Seest and Jupiter Child collaboratively explore the intersections of language, identity, and migration, focusing on the immigrant experience in Denmark. They wish to investigate how language shapes belonging and self-expression, drawing inspiration from the works of Danish writer Tove Ditlevsen.

Through this exploration they aim to create performative material that reflects their shared and individual journeys with the Danish language, addressing themes of marginalization, class, and cultural integration. By combining their perspectives, they seek to crafts a nuanced narrative that sparks dialogue on the complexities of the immigrant experience, using performance as a medium to engage and connect with diverse audiences.

28. February
Approval of performances: The reimbursement scheme (Refusionsordningen)
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Theatres, producers of professional performing arts and performing arts actors with experience as curators can apply to have a professional performance approved to be included in the Reimbursement Scheme for municipalities‘ and non-municipal institutions’ expenses for the purchase of performances (including foreign guest performances). The performance must be fully produced at the time of application.

Upcoming deadlines: 28 February 2025 and 1 October 2025.

(Translated to English by UP)

01. March
Open Call
Open call: Mungo Park Reading Festival
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Mungo Park are looking for 3 risk-taking text concepts for new development in spring 2025!

Do you have your own original, dramatic text idea? Are you afraid to pitch it to the theatres because it's too narrow, too offbeat, too dark or too wild? Then it is perfect for READING-FEST at Mungo Park in May 2025!

A festive evening in May, where Danish playwriting is developed on the authors' terms. We will read 3 newly developed dramatic texts while eating a three-course dinner and have a big  celebration for the texts with the industry and audience. The only requirement is that the texts relate to Mungo Park's profile.

Important dates:

  • Application deadline: 1 March 2025 at 12:00 pm
  • Reply: 15 March 2025
  • Kick-off meeting 24 March 2025 at 10.00 at Mungo Park
  • Writing period 24 March - 24 April 2025
  • 1 feedback meeting halfway through your process.
  • Submission 1 May 2025 
  • Rehearsals 13-15 May 2025
  • Reading on 17 May at 17.00
01. March
Open Call
RIDCC: 2025 Choreographic Duet Competition (Netherlands)
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RIDCC invites choreographers from around the globe to submit their duets (7–12 mins) for the 7th edition of the duet competition, taking place from 11–14 June 2025, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Travel expenses will be reimbursed as follows within Europe: Up to 250 EUR per person. Travel expenses will be reimbursed as follows outside of Europe: Up to 300 EUR per person for distances under 5,000 km and up to 500 EUR per person for distances over 5,000 km. For environmental reasons, RIDCC encourages participants to travel sustainably.

Deadline: 1 March 2025

03. March – 31. March
Nordic Culture Point: Mobility Grants / March
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Travel grants for individual arts and culture workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Application deadlines

02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8 AUGUST 2025 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. March – 31. March
Nordisk Kulturkontakt: Mobilitetsstøtte / March
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Rejsestøtte til individuelle kunst- og kulturarbejdere i de nordiske og baltiske lande.


03.03.2025 – 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8.08.2025 – 19.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. March
Formidlingsordningens pulje 3 til arrangører af turnéteater
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For organisers of touring theatre in the 2024/2025 season.

The pool is open to: Theatre associations, cultural centres and other organisers of touring theatre.

Deadline: 3 March 2025 at 14:00
05. March
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

14. March
Levende Vidnesbyrd
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Teaterarkivet i aktion

Hvorfor er arkivet værdifuldt? Hvis man som teater skal bruge ressourcer på at skabe et arkiv, er det vigtigt at vide hvorfor og for hvem man laver det. Få indblik i en vifte af muligheder og bliv inspireret af praktiske erfaringer med, hvordan arkivet kan tilføre værdi i forskellige faser af arbejdet omkring teaterdriften.

Aarhus Teater / Kampmann-Salen
8000 , Aarhus C
Dato: 14. marts kl. 10:00

Workshoppen er den anden ud af tre, der fokuserer på hvordan teatre kan lave og bruge arkiver. Man behøver ikke at have været med i den foregående workshop. Sidste workshop afholdes 26. maj 2025 i Diamanten på Det Kgl. Bibliotek i forbindelse med Copenhagen Stage.

27. March
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Date: 27th March
Time: 10:00-11:00AM
Place: Mødelokale 3.1
Thoravej 29,
2400 Copenhagen NV

Sall Lam Toro (they/them)

Start the day with art and gain insight into knowledge that is usually only available to people who are part of the work process. Over coffee and croissants antidisciplinary multimedia performance artist Sall Lam Toro will give you an insight into their artistic practice. Their work evokes inter-relational decolonial, ecoerotic, cosmic and embodied manifestos that confront what they call “the hijacked body”. The hijacked body arises from the illusion of separability, and Toro often works with strategies to devise artistic interventions to unwrite and disrupt this body collectively.

01. April
Dissemination scheme (Formidlingsordningen) - Approval of performance
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Approval of a theatre performance as professional performing arts in order to apply for a dissemination grant from the Dissemination Scheme. Applications received on 1 April or 10 October will be processed within one month.

Theatre companies and producers who offer or present touring theatre performances on a professional basis can apply for approval of a performance, including foreign guest performances.

(Translated to English by UP)

01. April
Performing arts: International activities
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Actors working with performing arts activities can apply for grants for individual international activities of up to DKK 75,000 from the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces.

There are two application deadlines per year in April and October.

Note: Please note that you can submit your application until 14:00 on the day of the deadline, but we recommend that you submit well in advance.

01. April
Culture pool for projects between Greenland and Denmark
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The pool runs from 2023-2026 with one annual deadline. In 2025, the deadline for applications is 1 April at 14:00. The programme opens for applications approximately 6 weeks before the deadline.

Organisers of cultural projects that work to promote mutual understanding across Greenland and Denmark in a partnership consisting of at least one Danish and one Greenlandic actor.


Cultural projects that work to promote mutual understanding across Greenland and Denmark. The pool operates with a broader concept of culture, which, in addition to the classical arts, includes language, food culture, community, circus, cultural heritage, etc.
02. April
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

07. May
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

08. May
UP event
Show UP – UP's after-hours event for the performing arts and its friends
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Show UP is the informal hang-out event in Baldersgade for the performing arts and its friends.

There are always refreshing drinks, snacks and entertainment when UP opens its doors in Baldersgade for the Thursday bar Show UP. This time maybe a glass of gløgg! Meet colleagues and acquaintances from near and far and strengthen your network in a relaxed atmosphere, and bring anyone you like. 

Everyone is welcome.

13. May
Open Call
OPEN CALL: 2025 Creative Europe call for European cooperation projects
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Creative Europe just announced their 2025 open call for small, medium and large cooperation projects.

With a budget of around €60 million, the action will foster cooperation between organisations active in the field of culture, to increase the cross-border dimension of creation and circulation of European artistic content. It will also encourage the development, experimentation, dissemination, and application of new and innovative practices.

The action will support at least 130 projects.

The deadline for applications is 13 May 2025.

15. May – 17. May
IETM Berlin Plenary Meeting 2025
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SAVE THE DATES 15-17 May 2025!

IETM and partners LAFT (Berlin Association of Independent Performing Arts), BFDK ( Federal Association for the Independent Performing Arts) and ufaFabrik are happy to announce the dates for the 2025 IETM Berlin Plenary Meeting.

The meeting will take place on 15 - 17 May, with a full programme from morning to midnight during all three days. Co-organising partners are working on offering pre and post meeting trips and will collaborate with several IETM member organisations in Berlin, as well as other performing arts organisations and professionals in Berlin and the surrounding region of Brandenburg, in creating the programme of the plenary meeting.


02. June
Tour Network Denmark - Admission of works
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Admission of works to the new Danish Touring Network for adult touring theatres for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 seasons.

02. June
Touring Network in Denmark - recording of network scenes
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Admission of Network Stages to the new Touring Network Denmark for adult touring theatres for season 2025/26 through 2027/28.

Who can apply?

Stages that wish to show performing arts works included on the Touring Network List can apply to be included as a Network Stage in Touring Network Denmark.

What is the purpose?

The purpose is to contribute to smaller works travelling around the country on a sustainable tour. To ensure this, two types of network theatres are admitted that commit to showing a certain number of works for a period of 3 seasons. A deficit guarantee is given to these theatres.

11. August – 11. September
Nordic Culture Point: Culture and Art Programme
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The Culture and Art Programme funds Nordic co-operation in the field of arts and culture. Funding is available for projects with an artistic and/or cultural quality that promotes a diverse and sustainable Nordic Region.

What is eligible for funding?

The programme grants support to projects within all areas of art and culture, in all project phases: preliminary work, production, presentation and dissemination. However, you cannot apply for funding for activities which have already been conducted.

You can apply for support for projects that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture. Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly associated with the project.

Application deadlines:

03.02.2025 – 03.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

11.08.2025 – 11.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

18. August – 19. September
Nordic Culture Point: Mobility Grants / August
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Travel grants for individual arts and culture workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

Application deadlines

02.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03.03.2025 - 31.03.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)1

8 AUGUST 2025 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25. August – 25. September
Nordc Culture Point: Short-term network funding
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Explore new solutions and create networks for co-operation between artists and cultural practitioners in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Network funding is part of the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture, which strengthens artistic and cultural cooperation in the Nordic region and the Baltic countries. The programme focuses on increasing the exchange of knowledge, contacts and interest in Nordic and Baltic art and culture. The Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme comprises three forms of funding: Mobility funding, Network funding and Funding for artist residencies.

Application deadlines:

10.01.2025 – 10.02.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

25.08.2025 – 25.09.2025 15:59 (UTC +2)

03. September
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required

04. September
UP event
Show UP – UP's after-hours event for the performing arts and its friends
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Show UP is the informal hang-out event in Baldersgade for the performing arts and its friends.

There are always refreshing drinks, snacks and entertainment when UP opens its doors in Baldersgade for the Thursday bar Show UP. This time maybe a glass of gløgg! Meet colleagues and acquaintances from near and far and strengthen your network in a relaxed atmosphere, and bring anyone you like. Everyone is welcome.

03. December
UP workshop
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Do you need advice as a self-producing performing artist, performer or producer? Then come to Drop-in-Advice at UP on the first Wednesday of every month.

Drop-in-Advice is inspired by the successful Morning Producers format in London, where it was developed by ArtsAdmin – an institution with many similarities to UP. Now we're bringing the concept to Denmark.

For Drop-In-Advice, UP's team or other experts sit in the Green Room from 10-12 in the morning, ready for professional sparring and dialogue. We make sure there is coffee on tap - and you are welcome to stay for lunch at 12 noon with everyone in the building.

You can bring your specific challenges or questions and be matched with the right advisor. From time to time we might choose a focus area, such as co-productions, internationalisation or fundraising. The format is open and we plan the duration of the advisory sessions according to attendance on the day.

Location: UP - The Development Platform for Performing Arts, Baldersgade 6, 2200 København N

Or on Zoom if you are not able to come by: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8547...

Time: 10am-12am

Price: free of charge 

Registration: not required