About UP
UP – is short for Udviklingsplatformen for scenekunst [The Development Platform for Performing Arts]

UP aims to develop and qualify independent performing arts throughout Denmark and Danish independent performing arts abroad. We define the independent performing arts as:
- Individuals and collectives working professionally in the performing arts, primarily working for and with independent performing arts groups often not attached to a certain stage or venue, project-supported theatres and smaller established theatres.
Our work is defined by four focus areas:
- Improving the production conditions for independent performing arts
- Strengthening entrepreneurship and internationalisation in the independent performing arts
- Increased cohesion and collaboration in Danish performing arts
- Increase the visibility of independent performing arts
In concrete terms, this results in activities that are often organised in close collaboration with other actors in the performing arts industry. UP offers:
- Time for artistic development through studio rental and Time in Space
- Individual career development through mentoring programmes
- Critical feedback on professional processes from peers through advisory programme
- Collegial sparring and match-making of skills and resources through Artistic Pairings
- Knowledge sharing and collaboration across performing arts groups, theatres, institutions through webinars, seminars, and co-working opportunities including UP Workspace and Write & Relax as well as the social gatherings ShowUP
- Exchange and development nationally and internationally through e.g. Moving Identities
Since 2016, UP has received operational support from the Danish Arts Foundation and the Bikuben Foundation in four-year framework agreements with these foundations. In the period 2023-26, UP receives funding for the EU project Moving Identities, and UP has received an establishing grant from the A.P. Møller Foundation. UP is an associate of Danish Theatre.

Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst
Baldersgade 6, baghuset
2200 København N
CVR: 37519944
Download UP's logo here (png or svg)
Studio booking
+45 31 25 37 10
Available for inquiries Monday - Friday 9am -1pm
Other inquiries
Annual reports 2016 - 2022
Agreements, statutes and evaluation
Find the Mid-term evaluation 2022 here.
Find the Agreement on Goals 2020 – 2024 here.
Find the revised strategy 2020 – 2024 here.
Find the strategy 2016 – 2020 for Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst here.
Find bylaws for UP here.